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List of projects:

What I'll be Working on

I say "I'll" and not "I'm" since I have not started work on it ;) I have thought of this amazing coding social media. Like Stack Overflow? Kind of, but it's different. Why such a huge project (needs very beautiful front-end to attract people, a stable server to handle it since I can't be running an entire social media on my 2009 laptop! I'll also need backend which I have no knowledge of :( and some other stuff I'm forgetting) Well, this is because interviewers won't hire you if you have 100 small projects. You have a tic-tac-toe, a rock paper scissors, some bot, a small number game you made and other stuff. That's very basic stuff. Don't spend time working on 100 projects, rather this one huge project which will leave interviewers astounded. In interviews, 1 x 100 = 50 and 100 x 1 = 200. I do need some small projects based on the tutorials I do, maybe like 5-10 but my portfolio will contain some larger projects.

How can you help?

I don't have a PayPal or a credit card for that matter, so the least (for me, most ;) ) go subscribe to my channel and follow my social media in the navbar.