About me

Who am I?

Hello! My name is Aryamaan Goswamy. I'm 12 years old. I know Python and I'm learning JavaScript. I am learning JavaScript because I want to become a full-stack developer. I know the journey is very hard, but since I'm only 12 I have all the time in the world to learn how to code. The lockdown period also helped me with more time.

Fun and weird facts

How did I get here?

My first programming language could be considered as LOGO. I learned it in 4th grade computer class. But, it is possible I learned HTML before that. I tried this Udacity course (which asked for my phone number, something I didn't have) which taught Java (but I never downloaded or tried it). In 2018, I became interested in programming and I took this JavaScript course (Wow! I was doing JavaScript way back then!) but I didn't learn anything. If you had asked me to make any project in that I would have to go back and learn it again. On September 22, 2018, I joined a Scratch class. Till November/December, I learned Scratch. Then I shifted to Python. I was probably the only (or one of two) student learning Python. About a year later, I tried to learn machine learning. Progress was really slow, and I have still not mastered anything in that field. Ask me to make a program that outputs the best regression line and I will say "Sorry, I can't" (maybe I could idk). Then, on Apr 13th, 2020, I came across this web development path and JavaScript free course (by Clever Progammer). I used to watch him way back in 2018. He is from my neighbouring country (was, actually)! Over the course of a week I solidifed my JavaScript fundamentals. I continued to learn web development (with the skills I needeed on a file). And this is how I reached here.